Release, Relax, Unwind
Earthway Studio
Heart Of
A Healer
Relax Refresh Renew

Earthway Studio
Open Your Heart
To Relax
And Renew

Shamanic Reiki
Shamanic Reiki Sessions
Absentee Healing Sessions
Wind Horse Spirit Dolls
Life Coaching
Animal Reiki and Communication
Reiki And Horse Energy Sessions

Shamanic Reiki

What Is Reiki? The awareness that an unseen energy flows through all living things and directly affects the quality of a person's health has been part of the wisdom of many cultures since ancient times. This life energy goes by many names qi in China, ki in Japan, and prana in India. The ancient Hawaiians called it ti or ki. It has been called orgone energy and elan vital, and science refers to it as biofield energy.
When your life energy is low, it is more difficult to deal with stress; you may not sleep well, and you're more susceptible to illness. When your life energy is strong, you feel strong, can more easily deal with stress, and less likely to get sick. Reiki is a technique that increases a person's supply of life energy.
Reiki energy allows muscles to relax and increase blood flow to treated areas, which in turn quickens the healing process. Practitioners and clients report help with stress, headaches, insomnia, upset stomach, sprains and other conditions.
Reiki also promotes psychological healing, including release of anger, fear, worry, sadness and other unhealthy feelings, and replaces them with self-worth, confidence and tranquility.​
What is Shamanism?Shamanism is a practice that involves a practitioner to interact with the spirit world reaching altered states of consciousness and channel these transcendental energies into the world for healing. Traveling to the spirit world or alternate realities they retrieve power, energy and wisdom that can be used for the betterment of their people. Shamans have expanded sensory perception and a spiritual relationship to nature and unseen realities.
For the Shaman the ability to heal comes from the elements and helping spirits. Indigenous shamans teach that nature can balance,revitalize and shift consciousness.
What is Shamanic Reiki? Shamanic Reiki is the honoring and blending of two timeless ancient wisdom teachings, creating practical approaches to modern day illness of the body, mind and spirit. In Shamanic Reiki the practitioner becomes an open vessel for the Universal Life Force Energy to flow through while connecting to nature and nature spirits, traveling to various altered states of reality, with their spirit guides, to empower their client in healing illness and trauma in this life or past life.
About Me
I have been a Reiki Master/Teacher of the Usui/Tibetan lineage , since 1998, as well as a Shamanic Reiki Master/Teacher,EVl and EVll evolving Master Teacher through "Shamanic Reiki World Wide" with Llyn Roberts, Stacey Gibbons and Faculty. Over the past Thirty years I have worked in holistic practices and Indigenous teaching.
From holding space for people in Reiki and Shamanic Reiki sessions, absentee healing work, classes/trainings and holding traditional sweat lodges, as well as walking the Sacred Path of The Labyrinth, my journey has been one of my own healing and opening to the heart. I invite you to travel this path as well, healing your past wounds and opening to the joy of life's journey.
I am also a Visionary Artist creating "Soul Portraits and Spirit Dolls" as well as sharing my vision and journey through each work of art as well as a mother of three a wife, grandmother and organic gardener.
Marg Tudino
"When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
you touch everything."
- Lao Tzu

Absentee Sessions
Shamanic Reiki Sessions
One Hour $95
one dolloer per minute after
Absentee Session
$85 per session
Animal Reiki
$65 per 1/2 hour session
Speaking With Animals
$75 per session
Life Coaching
$85 per hour
Reiki And Horse Energy
Session $95 per hour
$50 Half Hour
Also Available with your other
animal companions

Shamanic Reiki

Gift Certificates Available One Hour $95
Half Hour $50

Reiki and Horse Energy

Come experience Shamanic Reiki and horse energy with the rescue horses at Epona Safe Haven in Foster RI.
Innerse yourself in Reiki healing energy and the tranquilty an peacefulness of the rescue horse's.

Speaking With Animals
Animal Reiki
Wind Horse HEARTH Circle/ Reiki Share

Supporting Indigenous People
Around The World
Wind Horse HEARTH Circle/ Reiki Shareis a gathering for people in the community
to come togetherin a safe and Sacred place to relax the stressors of daily life. During this gathering you will have the oppertunity to relax and open your heart to be warmed and nourished. Through The breath and Shamanic Journying, you will connect to nature and the elements. Then opening the circle, trained Shamanic Reiki Practitioners will come around and give Reiki hands on healing.
In this gathering, we will become aware of how interconnected we are in the great web of life
Dates: 2024
Crystals and Brews-August 15th 7:00-9:00 pm
$25 donation


Shamanic Reiki Level l-
This is a one day class~Crystals and Brews March 16th 2024
*Recieve the Reiki Level One Atttunement to activate and empower youer innate ability to heal
*Intergrate shamanic techniques to access alternate realities beyond time and space, within your healing work
*Practice Shamanic Reiki self healingmethods
*Explore shamanic methods that will open you to healing forces of the Earth and Elements
*Engage life-shifting shamanic journeys to empower as a Shamanic Reiki healer
and so much more..... Payment $199
Shamanic Reiki ll-
Earthway Studio November 16th 10:am-5:00pm
Crystals and Brews( Held at My Home)
*Revieve The Shamanic Reiki level ll attunement and three powerful energetic symbols
*Activate your ability to transmit healing forces accross time and space
*Establish an inner sanctum and investigate the consciousness of the attunement symbols
*Practice symple Shamanic Reiki absentee healing
*Release energetic blocks
and so much more Payment $299
Shamanic Reiki lll Master Practitioner - Earthway Studio
This is a Two day class October 4th and 5th 2024
*Expanding consciousness and work with spirit guides
*Balance energetic trauma and shift attachments to past events
*Remove energy intrusions
*Attune to the master symbol
*Shamanically travel to prevent soul loss
*Initiate as healers through fire ceremony
*Integrate Reiki with Tibetan, Maya, Quechua, and Siberian practices an sacred items
*Reconnect with natures transformative powers
and much more....
This is a two day class $425
May be paid in two instalments Full
Half Payment

Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher

In this one year program you will have the opportunity to:
~ Explore and deepen into ancient teachings and Shamanic practices
~Explore, deepen and enrich your relationship with the Elementals and Nature beings
~Work with Spirit Allies and Guides in profoundly deep and nurturing ways
~Deepen your Shamanic Reiki and Reiki healing practices nurturing your ability to hold a Sacred container
~Upon completion of this one year program you will recieve your certitication to teach Shamanic Reiki
Levels l and ll in person or on line as well as Shamanic Reiki weekends.
This Shamanic Reiki journey will help you to aline with your pourpose and gifts in every day life. You do not need to
plan to teach to join this year long journey, this program is about your individual uniqueness
Must be approved by Instructor
$2395.95 per year may be paid infull ~ quaterly or monthly payments are also available
Also Offering

Labyrinth Walks
Offering Classes $40
and Private walks $25 per hour
Crystals and Brews September 21st

Wind Horse Spirit Dolls

Offering Classes~2 hour sessions $40

Personalized Dolls For self and gifts $325

"We Are All One In The Great Web Of LIfe"
For More Information
Contact Marg 401-439-5353

Shamanic Reiki
Usui-Tibetan Reiki
© 2017 Marg Tudino Proudly created with Wix.com
Gift Certificates Available
Contact Marg for more information on this option
Gift certificates available

The Reiki Ideals
The secret art of inviting happyness
The miraculous medicine of all disease
Just for today, do not anger
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work
Be kind to people
Every morning and evening
join your hands in prayer
Pray these words to your heart and
chant these words with your mouth
Usui Reiki Treatment for the
of body and mind improvment
The founder Usui Mikao
Healing Services
Services offered:​ Call for an appointment:
Gift Certificates availabl
Shamanic Reiki
*60 minutes Shamanic Reiki $85
$1 per minute after 60 minutes
*Absentee Healing Session $85
Life Coaching
Through sharing and guidance from my own life experiences and training, I will be here to help support and guide you in seeking and achieving your personal and or professional goals. Through sharing one on one, we will travel together as you find your way upon your Sacredhealing journey.
Sessions are one on one, by appointment
on zoom or in person, payable in advance
sessions $75 for one hour
Shamanic Reiki Classes
Shamanism and Reiki are powerful paths for healing. When combined their powers are multiplied.
Shamanic Reiki is an evolving , ecstatic art inviting us to work in increasingly dynamic ways with Universal Life Force Energy
This is for in person and on line classes
* Shamanic Reiki Level I $175
*Shamanic Reiki Level II $275
* Shamanic Reiki Level lll $425
Walking The SacredPathThursday September 21st
Soul Sanctuary
Coventry RI
Labyrinths are sacred imprints.
They do not engage our minds but instead invite us to open to our intuitive, pattern-seeking symbolic self. To enter a Labyrinth is to walk a spiritual path, ultimately bringing peace, beauty and preservation of life on Earth.
In this experiential class we will talk about some basics history of the Labyrinth. We will create a sacred circle and then I guide us through a gentle Shamanic Journey, where from their each person will have the opportunity to walk this sacred path, inviting their intuitive spiritual mind to come fourth, finding clarity, finding center and the Sacred path to the Divine
This is a two hour class
Where comfortable cloths
Bring a small item you would like to leave at the alter.
for example: a flower. rock tobacco.
The cost for this class is $40 per person
Dates of next walks
Wednesday June 14th
Time 6:30-8:30 pm
$40 per person
For Directions contact Marg

Classes for Healing
Drawing The Light From Within
Beginner Class
Life Can be hectic and oh so busy and sometimes it is easy to lose sight of our own inner spark and beauty. In this workshop, through the use of meditation/visualization, we will take time to relax and reconnect to our own inner light using the creative process and the mandela, round form, as a means of expression.
This is a Two hour class
No prier art experience necessary
all supplies included
Drawing the light from Within
Only through inspired self-knowledge do we gain the kind of transparency that renders us previous to the light within. Then we drop the solid wall by which we ordinarily defend ourselves against the light and the beauty in others. What nobler task could there be for art? What a greater challenge and responsibility could there be for the person-you and me.
George Feuerstein, M.LIT
Is Creativity a learned skill? Does everyone posses the ability to bring fourth, through the creative process that inner light that is within us all?
Through guide meditation/visualization
exercises and practical skill building projects, with the use of Judith Cornell's book "Drawing The Light From Within" you will be given the tools to see "through the eyes of inner awareness" using your own inner light" to create works of art.
This is a 16 week class payable by the month
$70 per month
a supply list will be available at the beginning of each month
this class is on zoom ID and Pass word are posted on face book



Up Comming
Shamanic Reiki Classes
Shamanic Reiki Class Schedule
2023-2024 Person

Shamanic Reiki Level
To Be Announced
In this experiential class you will learn about Reiki Universal Life Force Energy and the practice of Shamanism and how the two integrate and enhance our personal healing journey and our work with others.
* Learn how to channel Shamanic Reiki healing energy
*Journey to find your sacred place and spirit Allie
*Learn how to give Shamanic Reiki to self and others and much more
Once you have paid for this class email me and I will send your link
Class Cost$199
Shamanic Reiki level ll
To be announced
Shamanic Reiki level ll deepens the integration of two ancient healing forms, Shamanism with Reiki. You will practice time-tested methods that enhance intuition and expand consciousness as you:
* Receive The Shamanic Reiki level ll attunement
* Establish an inner sanctum
* Activate your ability to transmit healing forces across time and space
*Increase the potency of the energy you channel and receive and give a Shamanic Reiki treatment
*Practice simple Shamanic Reiki absentee healing and much more.
Required reading : Shamanic Reiki by Llyn Roberts
Once you have paid for class email me and I will send you your link
Class Cost $299

With The Breath Of Spirit

Wind Horse
Spirit Doll
Womens Wilderness Weekend
October 20~22 2023
October 28th
Thrives Tribe Collaborative in Providence
"Dolls save lives. They do. Think about it. From ancient fertility rituals to childs play, dolls have played a vitial roll in every culture through out time. Dolls are often mirrors of our inner selves, or an ally for a wounded child".
Chris Flynn
Spirit Dolls
Have you ever felt the tug, that inner knowing that there is something more? Something more beyond our physical senses and life.
Do you feel the Earth calling you, beckoning you to listen to her subtle wispers. If so then you will want to join in this one day workshop.
In this gathering we will explore sacred time working with the breath. We will create ceremony and Shamanic journey, connecting with nature and the elementals. You open to your sacred place and retrieve the image and essence of your guardian spirit doll, who is waiting for you to connect with them.
May the spirit doll you create bless you and bring you closer to the love of our Creator and The Great Mother.
Be sure to bring a bag lunch and wear comfortable clothing
Supplies will be provided,but feel free to bring sacred objects or items you may want to add to your doll
EX: buttons, stones moss, special cloth.......

We ground our roots in the Heart of the Earth and raise our hand to the Hearts of the Heavens

Shamanic Reiki lll Master Practitioner
TTo be announced
Shamanism teaches us to use the powers of nature to heal. In the ancient system of Reiki , we channel life force energy to heal and restore balance, In this Master level certification program, we experience the combined power of Shamanic and Reili healing and applied details, proven methods to enhance our healing skills for practice with others and for personal well being.
Through ancient practices and dynamic and partner exchange, we gain hands on experience in healing work.
We apply Shamanic Reiki approaches to past events.
Remove energy to:
- Expand consciousness and work with Spirit Guides.
-Balance energetic trauma and shift attachments to past events
-Remove energy intrusions using advanced methods
-Attune to the master Reiki energy via symbols, plants and transmission.
-Conduct comprehensive absentee healing sessions.
-Shamanically travel to prevent soul loss and restore soul qualities.
- Integrate Reiki with Tibetan, Mayan, Quechua, and Siberian practices and sacred items
Join like minded people in a lively experiential gathering. Reconnect with nature's transformative powers and the inate ability to heal and balance through complex times
This training is open to level two and or Master Reiki practitioners.
Required Reading:
Shamanic Reiki
Llyn Roberts,Roberts Levy
Speaking With Nature: Roberts, Shape Shifting into Higher Consiousness and The Good Remembering
Cost $475
Deposit For this class $200
Spirit Of The Jaguar

Voices Of The Stone People

Listen To The Whispers Of those Benevolent Ancestors

Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher
Certification 2023
This is a year long apprenticeship, in person, program for those who have received their Shamanic Reiki Master practitioner certification.
In this year long program you will be supported into deepening into ancient teachings and shamanic practices.You will explore and enrich your relationship with nature and the elementals, as you are empowered to teach Shamanic Reiki levels I and II to others.
The cost for this year long program is $2100
A dept of $420 is due by Janurary 1st 2023
With payments of $420 per spiral (4 season 2023)
Dept Quarterly Payments

All Life Has Spirit
And Energy We Can Connect To

Shamanic Reiki Absentee Healing Sessions
Wind Horse Sacred
Spirit Dolls

Absentee Healing
Absentee Healing or long distance healing is just what its name implies, it is offering Shamanic Reiki dispite client and practitioner not being in the same room together, there is no limit how far apart the two can be from one an other. How is this possible?Spirit and Reiki energy transcend location, time and space. The universal life force is non-dual by nature and not held by laws that govern a 3-D reality. It can move back in time and even into the future. In the Shamanic Reiki world view this is represented through the concept of oneness. We are all connected through time and space by luminous filaments of energy just as the internet is a web of communication, this living web of light informs and connects all of sentient life.
Llyn Roberts
Shamanic Reiki
When we Add Shamanic practices to Reiki we enhance or amplify the energy and the results are deeper and longer lasting . This is whether the person is infront of us or thousands of miles away.
1 hour $85
$1 per minute after

Wind Horse Sacred Spirit Dolls
"Wind Horse is a symbol of the human soul in Shamanic Traditions of the East, combining the speed of the wind and the strength of the horse to carry prayers from Earth to Heaven"
Wind Horse Spirit Dolls are a call from Spirit to your heart. They can be arceotypes, ancient beings, allies or spirit guides calling to us. A mirror or bridge to hidden parts of self. They are friends that hold your heart through good times and bad.
As you begin to feel the love and support from them, you begin to feel that love and support flow back to you. You begin to see how amazing, magical and beautiful you truly are.
Your doll may connect to you in the dream time or in Shamanic Journeys. They are beings that live on the other side waiting to help you on life's journey.
I create Wind Horse Spirit Dolls for others through Shamanic Journey and Shamanic Reiki Absentee Healing sessions.
For more information on this process contact me by email
Cost for session and Doll
Absentee Healing
Shamanic Journey
with Spirit Doll

Wind Horse Spirit Doll Weekend Workshop
To Be Announced
~If you feel a calling to reconnect to Spirit
~To merge yourself in the simplicity of Nature.
~ To experience the strength and compassion of horse energy.
Join us on this Experiential journey
In this experiential weekend workshop we will explore Sacred Time working with the breath. We will create Ceremony and release, to Grand father Fire, that which no longer serves us. You will have an oppertunity to walk the Labyrinth and Shamanic Journey to find your Sacred Place, meeting Spirit Guides and Allies.
You will also have the wonderful oppertunity to connect with Epona's rescue horses and tap into their healing energy.
As the weekend progresses you will have the time to aimlessly wonder to connect to Earth energy. Aimless wondering is a Shamanic practice in which you walk upon the land without agenda and open your heart to nature and the elementials.
You will have lots of open time to spend creating your Spirit Doll with encourgment and support from myself and others on this journey.
Epona Safe Haven" Journeys End Farm" is a working farm with boarded horses as well as rescue horses. We will be spending time connecting with the rescues of this farm. You will find, as you open to the hearts of these horses, they have some amazing lessons to teach us all.
"When you spend time with a rescue horse, your life is never the same"
We will also have Jeninne Pentello joining us. She will be offering Past Life Regression sessions.There is a separate fee( not included in weekend cost) for Jeninne's services.
Just an open heart
This is an experiential workshop with many opportunities to step out of linear time and connect to Earth, Spirit and horse energy. As you will be camping and gathering on a working farm, you will be responsible for any special needs you may have. Breakfast and suppers will be offered. Areas for tenting are available. Basic craft supplies will be supplied. You will recieve and outline of the weekend events and what you will need to bring as the time gets closer and you have signed up with payment for the workshop.
Wind Horse Spirit Doll one day experiental workshop

Spirit Dolls
Dolls save Lives. They do. Think about it. From ancient fertility rituals to child's play, dolls have played a vital roll in every day culture throughout time. Dolls are often mirrors of the inner self, or an ally for a wounded child. Dolls have enthralled our imagination, from simplest handkerchief dolls to early pioneers, to elegant Ningyo dolls of ancient Japan"
" Chris Flynn"
Spirit Dolls
Wind Horse Spirit Dolls are a call from Spirit to our hearts. They are beings that live in Sacred Time waiting for us to open to their gifts of loving guidance and comfort. They may connect to us in dream time or in Shamanic Journeys. They are a call from Spirit and the Great Mother. welcoming us to deepen our relationship with them.
To purchase individual dolls
Reiki Share
Wednesdy February 15th
Wednesday April 19th
Wednesday September 13th
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Thrive Tribe Collaborative
in Providence
Wind Horse HEARTH Circle is a gathering for people of the community to come together in a safe Sacred place for support and soul connection.
Come relax and release the stressors of daily life.
During this gathering you will have opportunity to relax and open your heart to be warmed and nourished.
Through simple breath work and Shamanic Journey, you will connect to Nature and the Earth, Then opening the circle, trained Shamanic practitioners will come around and give Reiki hands on healing.
In this gathering, we will all, become aware of how we are all one in the Great Web Of Life
$5 donation
donations will be sent to OMEC( Olympic Mountain EarthWisdom Circle) to helping Indigenous people across the Globe

Hope and Poppy
Equine Reiki

Saoirse resting after her Reiki session

Saoire receiving Reiki in her Paddock